
The Housing Finance Sector data for Mozambique extends back to 2001. Please click on the Research Center tab above to access data for previous years not shown.

Mozambique: Statistical Data At-A-Glance
Total population29.5 million2018WDI
Urban population (% of total)35.99% of total2018WDI
GDP, current prices (U.S. dollars)14,601 USD (millions)2018WEO
GDP based on PPP per capita GDP (Current international dollar)1,294.8 USD 2018WEO
Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Percent change)6.5%2018WEO
Average bank deposit rate17.09%2017IFS
Lending rate27.86%2017IFS
Owner-occupied units94% of total2017Country Editor
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year in millions of USD:107.79 USD (millions)2018Bank of Mozambique
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year as % of GDP (current).74%2019Banco de Moçambique, WEO
Typical LTV at origination802015Banco de Mocambique
Typical number of days needed for the transfer of title402017WDI

About the Editor

Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF)

The Center for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa is a not-for-profit company with a mission to make Africa's housing finance markets work, with special attention on access to housing finance for the poor. We pursue this mission through the dissemination of research and market intelligence, supporting cross-sector collaborations and a market-based approach. The overall goal is to see an increase of investment in affordable housing and housing finance throughout Africa: more players and better products, with a specific focus on the poor. Our work covers four main areas: (1) understanding housing markets, (2) monitoring housing sector performance, (3) exploring innovation in housing finance, and (4) supporting housing finance market development. Since its formation, the CAHF has come to be known as the most comprehensive and up to date source of information on housing finance in Africa. Our work is available on our website: